National Initiatives

Countries and regions are more and more concerned about their national and international standing amongst other regions or countries when it comes to research. We are all moving towards knowledge-based societies and the race has already started.

While we do not claim that FARIDEA is fully equipped to provide a magical solution for your needs, we do believe that we can have an important role to play in this. After all, we have grown in this field from when information was in printed journals and resources and we were happy to receive them by mail after 4-6 weeks of their publication, until today that we expect to see articles well before they are published.

FARIDEA has been a key partner in many of the living consortiums in Iran. When we started promoting the basic ideas of forming a consortium, even publishers themselves were not sure about how to respond to such new cases. However, FARIDEA and publishers as well as pioneering universities who dared to switch their holdings to online only helped to lead the way.

We are now mostly involved at regional, national or even multi-national discussions. Our role has taken two parallel paths. In one hand, we are enhancing libraries access to resources. On the other hand, we are discussing with key decision makers about ways of giving direction to the research in a university or even the country.